Internet Marketing - SEO, First Step

As discussed in a earlier post, overview of Internet marketing, there are so many methods available to target your suitable market. One of them is SEO.


To implement and retain this method is free but it takes time to be effective. Designer/developer requires knowledge about the basic knowledge of website design. SEO is the way to tell various search engines about existence of your website. So visitor can able to recognise your website while searching on search engines.

A website must have to follow basic rules of search engine optimization which are as below.

1) Include proper Meta tags.
Meta tags include two part name as name and Content.In name portion we can include description, keywords, robots, http-equiv, author, copyright, distribution etc. And in content portion we can include description related with suitable topic.

2) Give Proper tags/name/keyword on each Images, Pictures, Icons.

3) Check Spellings before publishing any website or Web Pages.

4) Do not give any hide links to your page.

5) Create Site map to your website

6) Do not put any broken links which are not available or existing on that Web Pages.

7) Do not use any offensive topic/links on your Web Pages which cause you to put in different category of search engines.

8) Create more content on your home/landing page related with your website.

9) Check your website ( at least landing page ) to meet the criteria specified by various web standards. Like W3C validates. Test your website before publish and correct the errors.w3c validate

10) Submit your website to Open directory Project.
It is also recognized as a DMOZ. So any search engine, who will take the website structure from the ODP, they can get the proper name. And make sure that you can give a full description regarding your website while submitting your website. Use this link to submit it to dmoz.

11) Create a site map related to your website and submit it to the google and other search engines. Generally site map is in XML, but some search engine also took site map in txt format.You are not able to find the exact time that your website will be crawl by any search engine, but whenever happened it will give the result by increasing your page ranking.

These are the basic requirement for any search engine to crawl the website. And then depending upon the content and design of your website, search engine list in its directory and then basis upon crawler result it will be display.


viralmarketing2themax said...

One of the effective means of viral marketing is offering freebies like an ebook or any other service. It will take some time before you can achieve your target but soon it will be worth the effort especially if valued users patronize the thing that you offer.
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